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Jumping on the Agency Re-branding Bandwagon?

When Should You Rebrand Your Agency? 

Social networking giant, Facebook, unveiled a new logo on Monday that is meant to distinguish the parent company, Facebook, from the companies they own, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and more. The new logo is a GIF that shows the word “Facebook” displaying in different colors to represent the different brands. The new logo will begin to roll out in the coming weeks within Facebook products and marketing materials.  So when it comes to branding what can your agency take away from Facebook’s new redesign? See it as a new opportunity to possibly freshen up your own branding and image in the industry. Re-branding helps your business stay current and relevant and offers opportunities to clarify your values and messaging in the marketplace. It’s important that your organization adapts to the changing trends and stays ahead of the curve so that your brand and mission continues to align with your existing demographic and prospective clients. When reviewing your logo something as simple as rounding out your corners can help differentiate you from your competitors by conveying a sense of modernism and technology.  Remember updating your logo isn’t going to change your agency that writes $100,000 in premium to a million in premium, but it’s a start in the right direction.  If you’re interested in learning more or ready to start re-branding, there are A TON of resources available that can fit almost any budget. Here’s a few check out: For those who are unsure of where to start and in need of guidance, I recommend reaching out to consulting services like Agency Performance Partners. For those who have a vision of what they would like to do but just need a little help bringing it to life, a service like Upwork or Fiverr will help you find your ideal designer. To learn about the why’s behind Facebook’s new logo and the design you can read more here.

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