ePayPolicy Blog
ePayPolicy Earns 2025 G2 Customer Satisfaction Award

Tech-savvy Alpha Direct Agency Gets Digital Payment Processing Right
Alpha Direct Agency doesn’t just embrace InsurTech. Technology is one of their core values: “Driven to Win with Technology”. The 17-year-old agency even offers (among other specialty lines) technology services insurance and drone liability. Licensed in 17 states, Alpha Direct Agency has offices in New York City, Raleigh and Miami,

How To Guide: Finding, Binding, and Delighting Young Policyholders
By now, your client base likely includes some young policyholders consisting of Millennials (ages 24–39) and possibly some older Gen Zers (ages 8–23). Millennials have already surpassed Baby Boomers as the largest generation, (72.1 million), with another 20 million Gen Z Americans right behind them. They are our future. Whether

5 Essential Slack Channels for Every Team
With many companies moving to a hybrid remote workforce, Slack can be an excellent tool to keep up company communications. Here are 5 Slack channels that every workspace needs.

2020 InsurTech Award Winners
We’re excited to share the results of the 2020 InsurTech Award presented by ePayPolicy. A record-shattering 165 agencies entered, representing a diversity of agency sizes and locations. Each entrant received an ITA (InsurTech Adoption) score report. ITA scores assess the use of technology in six specific areas: sales, marketing, team

5 LinkedIn Advertising Mistakes to Avoid
Why You Should Advertise on LinkedIn LinkedIn advertising is an exceptional opportunity that many agency owners overlook. Independent agents, like yourself, often use LinkedIn to showcase their expertise. The thing is, the platform can do so much more. By embracing LinkedIn advertising tools, you can connect with a broad audience

How Bryan Insurance Transformed the User Payment Experience
Bryan Insurance has been putting clients first since 1921. Since 2017, that commitment includes offering clients the choice to pay electronically via credit card or ACH. Planning For The Future Tommy Dies, CEO, CFO said it was not client demand that drove the decision. Very few clients were asking for