Trying to Make a Payment?

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We accept all 4 major credit cards. Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover.

Processing fees vary by country and/or state, contact support for more information.

The moment a payment is made, an e-receipt is sent to the you as well as the company.

Yes, ePayPolicy doesn’t store any credit card or ACH information. Once a payment has been made, verified, and processed, we then expunge the client data from our system. We are PCI Level 1 compliant, which is the highest level of compliance within the Payment Card Industry. We go through an annual audit of our systems and processes to ensure we are doing everything possible to keep you and your customers’ information secure at all times.

PCI DSS is a set of universally accepted standards that help protect the safety of customer data. PCI DSS sets the operational and technical requirements for organizations accepting or processing payment transactions, as well as for software developers and manufacturers of the applications and devices used in those transactions.

Put simply, any business entity that is involved in accepting, processing, and storing payment card information is required to comply with PCI DSS.

ePayPolicy is Level 1. This is the highest of four PCI compliance levels, based on the total ($) or transactions made per year. Being Level 1 means we must to follow the strictest data security protocols as defined by PCI DSS.