InsurExpo 2019 Presented by IIANC-05

InsurExpo 2019 Presented by IIANC

InsurExpo 2019 Presented by IIANC
Some of our team members from ePayPolicy attended the sold-out InsurEXPO on April 11 and 12, 2019.

InsurEXPO, which is the largest industry trade show in North Carolina, featured over 90 insurance companies and vendors. The trade show offered educational breakout sessions on important topics for insurance agents including management, sales, and technology.

Keynote speakers included Jess Roy, CEO of Excalibur Insurance Group, Marcus Sheridan, Author, Speaker, and Owner of Marcus Sheridan International, Inc., and Una Roy, VP Operations of Excalibur Insurance Group.

The trade show also featured producer and sales training, account manager and CSR sessions, and industry thought leaders. Attendees were also able to network with some of the top companies and vendors in North Carolina and were also able to earn up to five hours of CE credit.
“Having the chance to attend the InsurEXPO and be a part of the IIANC Sparks event was an amazing expereince,” says Todd Sorrel, Co-Founder of ePayPolicy. “At this event, we were given a 2:00 minute shot clock to explain to the audiance how ePayPolicy is changing the way the insurnace industry is collecting digital funds.”

The IIANC Sparks event allowed 10 companies and vendors on the main stage to have the chance to showcase their business. Presenters only had two minutes to make a great pitch about their company. Vendors featured in the IIANC Sparks event were able to present their innovative product or service to 300-400 agents.

“ePayPolicy allows easier collection of insurance payments by now allowing agents the ability to receive ACH and credit card payments online,” said Todd Sorrel. In a world where everything is going digital, it just made sense to find a way to use technology to help insurance agents, especially in terms of collecting payments.”

“Since implementing ePayPolicy our clients have fully embraced digital payments, says Chris Paradiso, an independent insurance agent. “The technology provides game-changing features, saves the agency money, and deliver an excellent client experience.”

Looking to speed up receivables?

ePayPolicy is an easy-to-use platform that allows for insurance agents collect their payments faster by allowing them to take ACH and credit card payments online. Request a demo today to find out how ePayPolicy can help you!

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